Student-Moving Overseas planner - Notion Template

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This Notion planner template is specifically designed to assist students who are moving overseas for their studies. It aims to streamline the planning process, ensuring that students are well-prepared before and after their travel. The template includes various sections such as Task Manager, Checklist (before, after travel & on campus), Transport Planner, Document Manager, Packing List, On-Campus Purchase Checklist, and Emergency Contacts.

1. Task Manager:

This section helps students keep track of essential tasks that need to be completed before departure and upon arrival. Tasks are pre-filled to offer a comprehensive guide, but users can customize and add their own tasks as needed. This feature ensures that students stay organized and meet all necessary deadlines.

2. Checklist (Before & After Travel, along with on-campus):
The checklist section is divided into two parts - one for tasks to be completed before travel and the other for tasks after arrival. The pre-filled checklists cover a wide range of activities, from important documentation to collecting ID & access cards. Users can mark off completed checklist items and add personalized items as needed.

3. Travel Planner:
This section provides a detailed itinerary for the journey, including flight details, and any other transportation options. Students can add their travel plans, making it easy to reference and share with family or friends.

4. Document Manager:
The Document Manager is a centralized space for important documents such as passports, visa papers, and acceptance letters. Users can upload digital copies to ensure they have all necessary documents at all times.

5. Packing List:
This section assists students in organizing their belongings by providing a pre-filled packing list. Users can modify the list based on personal needs and preferences, ensuring they don't forget any essential items.

6. On-Campus Purchase Checklist:
For students who will be living on campus, this checklist helps plan for essential purchases such as bedding, kitchenware, and study supplies. Pre-filled items provide a starting point, but users can customize the list to fit their specific needs and the requirements of their new living space.

7. Emergency Contacts:
This section allows users to store and easily access important emergency contacts.

8. Expense Tracker

We have thoughtfully included an expense tracker to help you keep track of your money.

Note to Users: We understand that moving overseas for studies can be a daunting task, and to make your planning process smoother, we have pre-filled the template with commonly required tasks, checklists, a packing list, and on-campus purchase suggestions. Feel free to customize the template to suit your individual needs, and best of luck with your studies abroad!


Q: What is Notion?

A: Notion is an all-in-one workspace that combines note-taking, task management, and collaboration tools into one platform. It's highly customizable and allows users to create their own databases, pages, and templates to suit their specific needs.

Q: How do I duplicate the template after purchasing?

A: After purchasing the template, you'll receive a link to access it in Notion. Simply click on the link, and then click on the "Duplicate" button in the top-right corner of the template. This will create a copy of the template in your own Notion workspace, which you can then customize and use as you wish.

Q: Is there a refund policy for the templates?

A: Due to the nature of digital templates, refunds are not applicable once the template has been purchased. However, if you encounter any issues or have questions about the template, please don't hesitate to reach out, and I'll be happy to assist you.

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Student-Moving Overseas planner - Notion Template

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